We offer a non-compulsory Rainow Pre-school t-shirt for the children to wear. We feel this gives the children a sense of belonging as part of a team, and most importantly for the parents, avoids using the children’s own clothes, particularly during messy activities.
The uniform consists of a navy blue t-shirt, with the Pre-School logo on. We have some available for you to look at, try on and purchase. The t-shirts are available in two sizes, although we can get larger sizes if required.
The t-shirts are £8.00 each, we also offer a Navy blue book-bag, again with Pre-school’s logo, these are also priced at £8.00 each.
Please contact a member of staff if you would like to purchase one.

Photo Credit
Robert Muldoon
Website created by Rainow Pre-School staff, committee, parents and carers with Wix.com